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Respectful Voice

Experienced Leadership

Inclusive Approach

Welcome! My name is Marianne B Allen and I am running for Wasatch County School Board County South seat.


Balancing the needs of our students, and teachers in providing high quality educational opportunities, with the fiscal needs of our community are my priorities as I run for school board.  


Having been an Advanced Placement US Government and US History teacher in Weber County schools, a coach, and now as a mother of three Wasatch students, I bring a valuable perspective and experience to the school board.

I believe that by bringing different perspectives to the table, the best solutions can be found for the issues facing Wasatch County schools and our community. Through years of Covid, the Future Schools Project, Lease Revenue Bonds, and Truth in Taxation, I have been diligent in my respect of differing points of view and perspectives, as we work as a community for solutions. 

I have been re-elected twice by school board members to the Utah School Boards Association Board of Directors representing Wasatch, South Summit, Park City, and North Summit school districts at the state level for the last four years.

I will continue to increase opportunities for communication, transparency, and community input. As we move forward with a focus on our future, I will strive to balance the needs of our community and the need for the best education possible for the children of our valley.

Meet Marianne

Meet Marianne


I was born in Kentucky, lived in Illinois, and grew up mainly in Fort Collins, Colorado. I grew up in a family of educators. My dad was a professor at Colorado State University and my mom worked with the students at CSU. I grew up knowing that education was extremely important and could be a great equalizer in life. I was also taught from a young age that being civically involved was vitally important for our community and nation. 


I went to Utah State University in Logan, Utah and graduated with my Bachelor's of Arts degree in History, Secondary Education, and a Political Science minor.


I met my husband, Dennis Allen, at Utah State University. We have been married for over 17 years and have three wonderful kids. After being visitors to family up here in Heber throughout the years, we were lucky enough to move to the Heber Valley in 2014. We absolutely love living in Heber Valley and calling this beautiful valley home! I love to be active in our community, in sports, coaching my kids, being outside, hiking, camping, paddle boarding, and reading books. 

Marianne's Experience

Marianne's Education Experience

Image by Kimberly Farmer

I had the opportunity of teaching and coaching for six years. I was a junior high History and P.E teacher and coach in Eden, Utah. I was high school US Government and Advanced Placement Government teacher, Youth Court advisor, Head coach and assistant coach, cooperating teacher for multiple student teachers, and night school instructor in Pleasant View, Utah. I was the First-Class Teacher of the Year for Weber County School District 2006-2007.  I also received multiple "Apple for the Teacher" awards in my following teaching years.


Being in all of those positions gives me the unique perspective of having taught in the classroom and knowing the daily challenges that exist and are seen in the classroom. I've been the person in the room doing my best to educate the kids in my classes and do my part in giving them the tools they need to move forward in life. It was some of the best years of my life, and I truly value those years of experience and the knowledge I gained.


I have been privileged to be involved with our Heber Valley community for ten years and I gained valuable experience in working with Wasatch School District, Heber City, and Wasatch County. I served on the Wasatch County School District Safety committee, the Heber City General Plan update committee, and the Wasatch County Transit study committee. I met and worked with many local officials as we worked toward improving and protecting our community and way of life in Heber Valley.

I have served on WPN (Wasatch Parent Network) committees in my children's schools and am a substitute crossing guard with our Heber City police department. I have been a coach for youth soccer and basketball for ten years in Wasatch County, and have met so many members of our community through these experiences and working with the great people of our valley.

These opportunities have given me the experience and commitment to help find the best solutions possible for the children in our valley, while balancing the needs of our community and residents.

School Board Experience & Leadership

Marianne's School Board Responsibilities and Experience

Utah School Boards Association Experience and Leadership

Board of Directors, Region IV representing Wasatch, South Summit, North Summit, and Park City School Districts

Executive Committee, Elected as Multi-region Representative (2024)

Executive Committee, Elected as Multi-region Alternate (2023)

Joint Legislative Committee, Voting member for Region IV (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

Joint Legislative Committee, Sub-committee member for Amendment A (2023)

Utah Board of Education Committee (2022, 2023, 2024)

Utah Board of Education, Law and Licensing Committee (2022, 2023, 2024)

Master Board Certification Committee Chair (2023, 2024)

Legislative Committee (2021, 2022)

Rural Caucus Meetings during Legislative Session

USBA Leadership Academy (2021, 2023)

*I have served all four years on the Utah School Boards Association Board of Directors, being re-elected twice by the school board members in Wasatch, Park City, South Summit, & North Summit to the Board of Directors at the Utah School Boards Association to represent our districts in Region IV.

Wasatch County School Board Experience

District Policy Committee

Library Policy Committee

Wasatch Reads Committee

Interlocal Meeting Committee

Interlocal Regional Planning Committee

MIDA Committee

Daniel, Wallsburg, and Heber City Assignments

Truth in Taxation "No" Vote


"Unity and Diversity are not opposites. We can achieve greater unity as we foster an atmosphere of inclusion and respect for diversity."   Quentin L. Cook


I voted "No" on the tax increase in Fall of 2023. As we all know, community members can, and do, disagree on many things. The school board is a reflection of our community and as such, is no different.


The school board knew since the beginning of the taxation rate discussion that, respectfully, I was not comfortable with the levy rates to our Capital Fund. We all agreed that teacher raises and student resources needed to be funded completely (General Fund levies with state law dictating where it can be spent), but that the capital budget was where there was a disagreement and I wanted to know if it was possible to have a drop on the rates of those levies.


I had many meetings and hours that were spent asking detailed questions of our Business Administrator Jason Watt, and Keith Johansen, and Superintendent Paul Sweat. They were all very helpful with getting me information, taking their time to respectfully answer my questions and in the study session. I am also appreciative of our County Clerk, Joey Granger, giving of her time to meet with me and answer my questions in an effort to better understand certain community members perspectives.


I talked countless hours with board members, residents, and business owners who reached out and shared their feelings on the proposed rates. I can honestly say that I went into every meeting, the public hearing, and conversation, trying to gain understanding, to be as open as possible to additional information, perspectives, and opinions other than my own.


As such, when the district let us know in our study session that the teachers and students would be taken care of with either keeping the rates or lowering the capital levy rates-it really came down to a difference of opinion on whether to treat the capital budget as a "checking account" or as a "savings account." There was never a debate on the levies that dealt directly with teachers pay and benefits, or any money going to the classrooms and students. The differing of opinions came when we discussed the levies going to the Capital Budget.


Knowing that teachers and students were taken care of in either scenario, and knowing the amount of our community members who were saying they were struggling with the burden of their property taxes, especially when combined with the "valuation corrections" that were being made from the county, I voted "No" to the proposed levy rates because I felt we should make adjustments to lower the capital levies and be able to save more in future years that would come from growth of the valley (per state law school district budgets get the same from the year before plus any growth).


My goal is always to make the best decision I can, as a representative of my fellow community members with consideration to all of the information I have. (Utah State Code 53G-4-401-5) It is my responsibility as an elected official, to represent my constituents. With this all said, yes I realize it is the first "No" vote on something like this in at least 12 years in Wasatch. I still have worked with, and respect, my fellow board members who voted differently than I did! A difference of opinion and vote does not mean we stop working together for the good of our community!


I want to continue to foster an environment that is conducive to asking questions and having respectful discussions even if it is to agree to disagree! I believe that with sharing diversity of thought and ideas, "greater unity can be achieved" and progress is made for our community.

Link to Truth in Taxation Study Session (starts at 15:24)

Link to Truth in Taxation Public Hearing

Thoughts on Education


My philosophy on education is that education is all about gaining knowledge! Asking questions to gain knowledge is what education is all about! I always told my students, "Knowledge is power.(Francis Bacon) 'What you do with that power is up to you'."


Gaining education means asking questions, being involved, and seeking understanding. You can ask questions with dignity and respect, as it is our responsibility as students to learn, and later as citizens, to ask questions of our elected officials. I firmly believe that asking questions leads to better outcomes and solutions for all involved.


Whether in the classroom, or within a government entity, asking questions is a duty, right, and privilege of everyone in order to gain knowledge. Mr. Kofi Annan expanded on this quote by saying, "Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family." I agree!

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Marianne's Endorsements

Thank you to the Wasatch Education Association for your support and endorsement!!


Melissa Phelps

"Integrity. Marianne B. Allen has integrity and stands for what is right. Her time and dedication to students, teachers, and her constituents as a school board member is inspiring. Marianne's work ethic, her inclusive and respectful approach to all perspectives as a community leader, is valued and essential. She has the leadership qualities and experience we need."

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Rob Fredericks

"I support and am voting for Marianne B Allen for Wasatch school board."


Pam Fredericks

"I'm supporting Marianne to be re-elected to the school board because of how she has approached her duties these past four years. She has done what she said were her priorities, and I know that she will continue working for the good of the community. Marianne does her homework on the issues, listens to her constituents, and votes her conscience. She has shown we can agree to disagree respectfully. She has also shown that it is possible to support education and give the best to the students and teachers while listening and supporting community concerns, especially regarding taxes and spending. She's not afraid to speak up or think outside the box. We have a wonderful district doing amazing things and Marianne has been a vital part of that."

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Chad Erickson

"Marianne has an amazing resume and all of the qualifications to serve on the Wasacth County School Board. We need change and real leadership on the board as well as transparency and better communication. I'm confident that Marianne will bring the voice that will represent the community, the educators, and students.

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Nurse Megan Grohovena

"I know that Marianne will advocate for each and every student and teacher in the district. Her background as a teacher and passion for education make her a perfect candidate. I am voting for Marianne."

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Robin McClellan

USBA Board of Directors, Region 19

Uintah School Board of Education

"I wholeheartedly endorse Marianne B Allen for Wasatch County School Board of Education.

She is a no-nonsense leader who has built positive connections with legislators, superintendents, and other school board members across the state of Utah.


Marianne was elected to serve on the Executive Committee at USBA to represent all multi-district regions. Her experience is invaluable and she possesses expertise and leadership in navigating the complexities of advocating for students, educators, parents, and community."

Contact Marianne

I value your thoughts and comments. Please feel free to contact me!

MarianneBAllenforschoolboard on Facebook

MarianneBAllenforschoolboard on Instagram

Call or text 385-240-0297

Contact Marianne

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